Mods for Euro Truck Simulator 2

Best mods for Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Modbook for Euro Truck Simulator 2

Modbook for Euro Truck Simulator 2From year to year, the popularity of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is growing. Following the popularity in the game world come fashion. They contribute to the improvement of not only the visual component of the game, that is, a beautiful picture, but also the modernization of the core itself, which improves the technical component of the game project. Due to the mods, new maps appeared, qualitatively created vehicles for ETS 2. Thanks to the improvement of the game engine, the graphics quality improved, traffic became more realistic and believable. Our site offers you a wide range of the most diverse modifications, from road packages to skins of new trucks.

Modifications to Euro Truck Simulator 2
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Volvo VNL 660

4 734
1.14 - 1.37
Mod Volvo VNL 660 for ETS 2

Swedish trucks Volvo VNL 660 were originally developed by engineers to conquer the US automobile market, as evidenced by the huge cab with a spacious driver's compartment, more reminiscent of true American trucks. The truck is equipped with two engines and gearboxes, the range of tuning is very modest, but on the body there are a large number of points for mounting additional lighting devices.

Санёк Сентяков, Karma

Updated: 2020-05-11
Because of: Added version of Reworked by CentOS 1.1 for ETS2 1.37

Volvo VNL 670

6 694
1.14 - 1.38
Mod Volvo VNL 670 for ETS 2

The Volvo VNL 670 bonnet truck, jointly developed by the American subsidiary and the European department of the concern, was developed for North American countries, which can be understood by appearance. The player is presented with a wide selection of technical fillings in the form of several engines, gearboxes and chassis. From the interior there is a choice of five interior interiors. In addition, tinted glass, a set of sounds and a rich set for tuning are registered.

Aradeth, Martinezio, Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie, kamaz aka, Snekko, TruckManiac, Peerke 145, AlexeyP, AU44, Big Bob, ohaha, kriechbaum

Updated: 2020-08-10
Because of: Added version 1.6.4 for ETS2 1.37 - 1.38

Trailers and Cargo Pack

16 334
1.15 - 1.40
Mod Trailers and Cargo Pack for ETS 2

A universal supplement that adds 173 semi-trailers and 736 units of cargo to the simulator. The originality of the modification lies in the fact that new companies with trailers are located not only on the standard game map, but also located on the author’s locations. The added models do not replace the standard ones, but are assigned in a new way, that is, the player will be able to choose tasks for transporting both standard loads and extended ones. So get behind the wheel, and go!


Updated: 2021-04-02
Because of: Added version 9.5 for ETS2 1.37 - 1.40

Renault Magnum Integral 390

6 455
1.14 - 1.49
Mod Renault Magnum Integral 390 for ETS 2

The French heavy truck Renault Magnum Integral 390 was available in versions of a truck tractor and an onboard truck. In our virtual version, a high-quality model almost completely repeats the original prototype. Along with a small set of tuning, the authors added original stickers. The technical part consists of two versions and a chassis and one engine, two types of cabs are equipped with original interiors.

Vinzel, Jekich1, Valeriy Rusakov, FRED_, Maxim Bednov, Nikola_Donbass, Mikhail Mikhaylov, Maxim Bednov, Kriechbaum, Trucker2121, D9DbKO, Sheryo, Atego815, Solaris36, CyrusTheVirus, Phantom94, Bruh_ma, AJIEHA

Updated: 2024-02-10
Because of: Added new version for ETS2 1.46 - 1.49

Scania T Mod

7 567
1.14 - 1.39
Mod Scania T Mod for ETS 2

The new mod is able to turn the Scania tractor into an elite heavy truck. A wide range of spare parts provides the player with an unrecognizable ability to decorate his truck, in the set you can find just a huge number of plastic parts that can be painted, all kinds of lighting equipment, but the new mod does not end there, in addition to the driver, a set for technical stuffing from engines, chassis and gearboxes.

RJL (Fordsonmies), GT-Mike, Killerhangar, Alang7, 50Keda, SCS Software

Updated: 2021-03-21
Because of: Added version 2.3.0 for ETS2 1.39

Mercedes-Benz LS-1519 and LS-1525

8 736
1.14 - 1.36
Mod Mercedes-Benz LS-1519 and LS-1525 for ETS 2

Rare Mercedes-Benz LS-1519 and LS-1525 trucks came to us in a simulator from the seventies of the last century. Built on a universal chassis, the car comes with two cabs for each series, the same number of engines and gearboxes. In a rich set of tuning, the player will pick up exhaust pipes, mudguards, taillights, wheels, visors, bumpers and much more. The original interior will complement the quality of the car.

CrysS, JbArtMods

Updated: 2020-02-29
Because of: Added a new version from 02.28.2020 for ETS2 1.31 - 1.36

Realistic GPS Navigation

14 737
1.14 - 1.34
Mod Realistic GPS Navigation for ETS 2

The new interface of GPS navigators adds a little more realism to the game. The changes affected almost all the devices registered in the game, regardless of their location. The player can place the navigator anywhere in the cockpit, whether on a dashboard, or on the windshield, or even located in the dashboard, in any case, the update will work. So feel free to jump into the cab of your car and navigate the new image.


Volvo F10 and F12

8 220
1.14 - 1.50
Mod Volvo F10 and F12 for ETS 2

Powerful Volvo F10 and F12 trucks recall glorious disco times. The author’s addition was made in excellent quality, first of all, a set of original vinyls for the cabin can be noted; to increase power in the workshop, it is possible to install an additional reinforced chassis with an 8x4 wheel formula. The authors managed to perform the interior decoration of the cabin for certain and even provide the player with a chance to spread vintage junk into additional seats.

Stas555, Dmitry68, Chris, Simos Papadopoulos, mjtemdark, Tornado

Updated: 2024-06-23
Because of: Added new version for ETS2 1.47 - 1.50

Peterbilt 379 EXHD

5 305
1.14 - 1.32
Mod Peterbilt 379 EXHD for ETS 2

The American heavy truck Peterbilt 379 EXHD, which has an autonomous residence permit, will be found on the roads of virtual Europe and participate in orders of transport companies. An excellent quality model with an abundance of chrome will be a real decoration for the truck simulator for the trucker. The rich equipment of the technical part, the wheels and the properly executed interior of the driver’s cabin and the driver’s compartment for the rest will please even the most spoiled player.

Ivan, Chris, Tim, Jon, Mars812, Coalminer, Classick, Stas556, Mishanka, Fox071rus, dmitry68, Kriechbaum, Pink Floyd, knox_xss

Updated: 2019-12-26
Because of: Added version 2.8 Custom Outlaw for ETS2 1.31 - 1.32

Kenworth W900 Long

7 147
1.14 - 1.40
Mod Kenworth W900 Long for ETS 2

The American truck Kenworth W900 Long looks very unusual, because it most suits the expression of a motor home or a brutal limousine. The authors have created a completely unbelievable. In addition to the exterior made in excellent quality, the developers devoted a lot of effort to recreate the original interior of the living room with a living compartment, where the kitchen is located with sofas, a refrigerator and cabinets for storing personal belongings.

Pete379jps, Cerritos, Stas556, Dmitry68, Kirchenbaum, maxx2504

Updated: 2021-04-02
Because of: Added new version for ETS2 1.39 - 1.40